As it turns out there are not hummingbirds in Europe. I know, I know, this will shock many. As a girl who has identified with birds since the age of 3 (little bird was my YMCA indian princess name) I am shocked by this. This means that the tiny hummingbird feeder that I was so delighted to receive from my brother Matt for Christmas this year, the same hummingbird feeder that was so kindly brought to me across the ocean by Kathleen when she was visiting this last week, the hummingbird feeder that I just filled with one part sugar to four parts water (the perfect nutritional combination to keep beautiful iridescent wings beating at a rate of 50 times per second), this hummingbird feeder is useless here. It will remain for the duration of spring and summer here in the UK as absent from hummingbirds as the one in this picture. This may be the most disappointing thing I have learned about the UK to date...
On the other hand... the weather is lovely today.