Oxford is a really beautiful town. You really do walk around and think "This is not my beautiful new home town... naaaaah." It has little picturesque alley ways and great grand stone edifices and charming little trees. It seems unreal at times. It seems unreal until you are walking along in the morning and the pile of blankets on the beautiful cobblestone happens to have a guy in it who appears to have slept there all night. It is also (ahem) more real as you get closer to the Hostel side of town near the rail way stations and you find that every morning there are little spots on the side walk where some noob drinker has barfed their dinner or simply spilled their midnight kebab. Now, I could be ungenerous and assume that it is the swarms of teen aged Americans staying at the hostel that are getting into this sort of thing in the middle of the night but I really don't *know* that.
Speaking of the hostel, I am in the process of trying to find an apartment. I have a good lead on a place about 2 miles north of the building where I work. There are buses to and from that go late into the evening and biking there is also very reasonable. I will say no more until I have a commitment but I really liked the place. It is a far cry from the horrid little place I saw on Friday. There was this letting agency that showed me something called a "kitchenette". The neighborhood was dangerous seeming and this little upstairs room was a tiny studio with a sink in the corner and a microwave size combo heating plate and *grill* on the counter-top. I might have shed a tiny tear right there if the agent hadn't been standing right in front of me. I canceled the other appointment after hearing that this dreadful place was the nicest one she was going to show me!
Wow, I am beat. time to sign off... Here is to dreaming of tiny screams from tiny shrunken heads,
Little Bird
Hi heather! Glad to hear you are having an interesting time so far.
<shudder> stay away from those kitchenette things...
Hiya. There's a song from "Man of La Mancha" (a supremely underrated musical) called "Little Bird" that now I think will be the theme song I associate with you. Your leitmotif, if you will.
Hope the apartment works out! And we miss you here.
Nothing says science like a shrunken head.
Hi Heather! I wonder if that shrunken head museum is named after the same prime minister that Pittsburgh is named after...
Stay surreal, little bird.
Little Bird!!! I love it of course. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your new apartment. I miss you tons, and can't wait to hear more of your adventures. Love ya sweetie.
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