How do I explain this week? I mentioned that I joined a choir here, The Oxford Alternotives (pronounced alternatives... it is a visual pun only). we are in a competition tonight and we will be performing three pieces: 'California Dreamin'' by the Mama's and the Papa's, 'Don't Blame it on the Boogie' by the Jackson 5 and last but not least 'Don't Stop Me Now' by Queen. We had auditions for the 'Don't Stop Me Now' solo last Sunday and after two rounds and roughly 25 minutes of debate by the choir (for which I was not present) I was chosen as the soloist (!?!!!).

This week I have been singing this song constantly in my head. We also learned all of the completely awesome-show-stopping choreography this week. So tonight I will be rocking it out Freddie Mercury style for a small panel of judges and a small audience at the ICCAs. Learning the lyrics would not be a problem for most people who had childhoods that involved popular music. I missed out on Queen the first time around and was introduced to them ala Bohemian Rhapsody by Wayne and Garth.
I will let you know how that goes...

"Why would you put a hole in a cake?"
"What about the stodge? We love our stodge!"
Stodge? This is the heavy delicious sweet stuff in the center of a cake. Of course the point of chocolate stout cake is to be ALL STODGE. I did eventually find a bundt cake pan but... it wasn't easy. The next tricky ingredient was molasses. It had not occurred to me that this would be hard to find. I prefer Black strap molasses for the recipe and the only place you can find any molasses here at all are in health food stores. The English have a syrupy textured cane sugar derivative called treacle. I am still not really clear on what is supposed to be so healthy about molasses but I found them.
M y last adventure was the oven. I had not attempted to bake here before and after Viknesh had once looked at my oven and made some slightly negative remark I have been a little wary of the thing. I needed to pre-heat the oven while I got the cake ready and I was shocked to see that the temperature on the oven only went up to 250. I needed to bake this cake at 350! "Oh no! This may take much longer etc etc. "
H a Ha HA!
I sincerely hope that I am not the only poor little American to look at my recipe book and forget that the oven I am using is in Celsius, not Fahrenheit. Luckily my room mate James came down and I asked him about the oven. He saw my problem immediately and kindly reminded me that the oven was in Celsius. I am, after all, living in England now.
you are truly like an Atom Bomb and many other good slightly scientific things (Ms. Fahrenheit?).
good luck!
Hah ah, I was "like an atom bomb, ... I'm out of control..." HOwever we did not conquer ENOUGH to go to London for the next phase. I am personally putting a lot of the blame on myself because I was a soloist but actually... Let's be reasonable. This stuff does not REALLY matter... silly sots. Tonight was a lovely nightt to get to know the choir members better and all of that. I had a really great conversation with James. Hooray James, He is lovely.
night night,
My Martha Stewart tendancies make me think you could put a heavy bowl inside a deep cake pan/casserole pan to get the bundt effect, but you found one, so forget that!
love and hugs
Singing Freddie Mercury now in England? Sounds like fun! Best wishes on the newest chapter of your ever-changing life (though I am months late...sorry). Glad that you still find genomes or pheramones or whatever exciting! I am happy for you, funny woman. Things are rainy in Pittsburgh, as usual. Keep in touch, keep smiling, and keep eating vegemite (that IS English..or is that Australian??) Oh well, bye for now. Larry
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